The Incredible Benefits of Hair Tissue Mineral Testing

What is a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis?

“Minerals are the “sparkplugs” of life. They are involved in almost all enzyme reactions in the body. Without enzyme activity, life does not exist.”

Wouldn’t you love to have a simple test that you could do right at home and learn EXACTLY where your body needs the most support?

Enter the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis test!

This amazing screening test is an accurate and easy way to discover what minerals are out of balance in your body, so that you can accelerate your healing and improve your energy, metabolism and mood!

The reason I love this test is because it gives us an incredible whole-body view of what is happening in the body on a CELLULAR LEVEL. Which blood-tests really can’t show us.

We’ll see your blood sugar regulation trends, digestion and liver health, adrenal health, and whether your thyroid is actually getting thyroid hormones successfully into the cells (which is why your thyroid might look great on a blood-test, but you still have all the symptoms of low thyroid! Mind implosion🤯).

You’ll discover your current Metabolic Type, which will tell you whether you metabolize too slow or too fast, so you can eat to optimize your metabolism!

You’ll also see if there are any toxic heavy metals creating absorption issues or even exacerbating your moods/energy.

How Does it Work?

“Hair is used for mineral testing because of its very nature. Hair is formed from clusters of specialized cells that make up the hair follicle. During the growth phase, the hair is exposed to the internal environment such as blood, lymph, and extracellular fluids. As the hair continues to grow and reach the surface of the skin, the outer layers harden, locking in the metabolic activity that has occurred during this time.” -Trace Elements Labs

Taking a sample is pretty easy to do at home, but I always suggest having a friend to help cut the hair sample. Thankfully, not very much hair is needed (less than a tablespoon!) and then you simply mail it back to in your mail box.

Who can Benefit from a HTMA?

If you’re experiencing any health imbalance, a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis is very valuable. It’s also very helpful as we naturally support symptoms like:

✅ Anxiety

✅ Depression

✅ Anemia

✅ Adrenal Fatigue

✅ Digestive problems

✅ General fatigue and burn-out symptoms

What you’ll learn from your HTMA:

This test is largely based off of ratios between minerals, which helps us understand how the body is responding to stress, your metabolic type, and your organ system functions.

‘Stress Ratio’ This ratio is based on two minerals, sodium and potassium. It serves as a guide into understanding the level of stress your body is currently under.

‘Adrenal + Thyroid Ratios’ As the name intends, we can see if your adrenals and thyroid are sluggish, way before it shows up on blood tests! Understanding how your adrenals and thyroid are functioning helps us correctly support these two important energy centers of the body!

‘Toxic Metal Burden’ If there is an overload of toxic metals in the body, it can interfere with brain, gut and nerve function. There’s even a correlation between toxic metals and symptoms like anxiety, OCD, depression and brain fog. The test helps us identify which heavy metals could be a problem for you, and I provide custom support to help you safely detox and eliminate exposure.

HTMA test results example

HTMA is the perfect tool for anyone wanting to understand their bio-individual health status. That’s why I include it in the Stress Reset! I also provide a completely customized mineral formula specifically based on your HTMA test, so that you can confidently address your mineral balance without taking 30 new bottles of supplements! Yes please😅

The HTMA is a wonderful tool help to assess your personal metabolic type and learn exactly what you need to gently rebalance your WHOLE body, improve your digestion and energy, optimize your hormones and improve your mood!

In Health and Wholeness,


This document is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. I am not providing medical, psychological, or nutrition therapy advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your own medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your own medical practitioner and/or mental health provider about your specific health situation. For my full Disclaimer, please go to


I help passionate writers get heard by giving them a cohesive brand through unique designs. I'm a mountain-dweller that loves french toast and foxes.

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