Grab Your FREE ‘REGULATED’ ebook
Get a 15-page PDF guide to help you naturally reduce anxiety and burnout with a holistic approach. It includes:
-simple somatic practices to help you get grounded
-supplement suggestions + discounts
- testing suggestions
- meal blueprints
-my adrenal cocktail recipe for supporting adrenal fatigue
- and extra bonuses like my ‘GABA Guide: Reduce Anxiety + Panic With A Single Amino Acid’ and ‘Anxiety Checklist’ PDF !!
You’ll Get Suggestions On Eating for Mental Wellness
Nutrient-dense meals stabilize blood sugar, help correct nutrient deficiencies (a major cause for anxiety + depression) and calm your nervous system.
Vitamins and minerals like B vitamins, magnesium, selenium, lithium, iron and vitamin D are necessary for normal brain function and stable moods. But most of us aren’t getting enough of these vital nutrients because of our modern nutrient-poor foods.
The great news is, we can start supporting our brain with the #1 mental wellness intervention right away- whole foods as medicine! This blueprint will help you take the guess-work out of creating simple, nutrient-dense meals to nourish your brain and gut!
The serving suggestions will ensure you’re getting enough healthy fats, proteins and carbs to support healthy neurotransmitter production and optimal energy.
I hope you really enjoy this wellness resource that I created with YOU in mind!
*As always, it’s suggested to work with your wellness professional before making huge dietary changes to make sure you’re eating right for your unique needs.
And Anti-Anxiety Supplement Suggestions + Testing Options
You’ll also get suggestions on good-mood nutrients as well as the different testing options available for assessing your wellness.
You’ll get a link to the Anxiety Reset bundle that includes flower essences, amino acid support and herbal stress-busting supplements. You can buy just one of the supplements or the whole bundle.
Testing options are really helpful when you don’t know where to start. I use all of these tests in my own practice and they’ve been very helpful in supporting myself and my clients with direction and targeted nutrient therapy.
*As always, it’s suggested to work with your wellness professional before making supplement changes.